We really enjoyed the only one real snow day of winter 2013 in Charleston WV. It was a beautiful winter morning. My wife Irina and I did not want to loose this opportunity to capture beautiful scenery and nice winter portraits. I am so proud of her, it was quite cold out…
Filled Under : Portraits
Антон, фото – отпад! То ли Лесков, то ли Римский-Корсаков. Сразу хочется всем иностранцам показать: “ВОТ! Видали?!” Браво обоим – фотографу и Модели евойной:)
Spasibo Sasha! Obraz i pravda byl russki, pochti chto Lady Makbeth of Mtsensk… Pojaluista, share it as much as you want
Ya tebya kstati segodnya po teleku videl. U nas TVC est’ zdes’ v Shtatah, tak segodnya utrom v novostyah tebya pokazyvali…